Use "trot|trots|trotted|trotting" in a sentence

1. That prawn curry gave me the trots.

2. The pupils trotted to the classroom.

3. Hot to trot.

4. The riders came trotting down the lane.

5. He trotted off to greet the other guests.

6. He trotted out his best china.

7. She whinnied and trotted placidly back.

8. 10 The dog trotted off to bury its bone.

9. The troop trotted the hills and valleys.

10. 10 Anne trotted obediently beside her mother.

11. The dog trotted obediently to his master.

12. She trotted her pony around the field.

13. Contrair presenteert met gepaste trots de 2de editie van Contrair Open Air

14. 18 The child was trotting along beside its parents.

15. The horse slowed to a trot.

16. Our horses slowed to a trot.

17. Her horse broke into a trot.

18. Howdy , I wave to the horses trotting in the fields .

19. He trotted Einstein out to support his view.

20. They have won three races on the trot.

21. Philip has won three races on the trot.

22. Need makes the old wife trot

23. She lost five games on the trot.

24. She came trotting down the steps from the library.

25. He had broken into a trot.

26. They passed me at a trot.

27. He trotted out the horse for the buyer to watch.

28. Flora gave a shrill whistle and started trotting down the cliff.

29. We set off at a fast trot.

30. They won three games on the trot.

31. The dog trotted down the path to greet me.

32. He trotted through the sand, enduring the sun's enmity.

33. The horse broke into a brisk trot.

34. She trotted softly through the passageway to the gate.

35. He walked briskly, but without breaking into a trot.

36. They've now won 3 games on the trot.

37. He kicked his horse into a trot.

38. I've been on the trot all day.

39. The mare was breathing hard as she trotted up the pastureland.

40. 11 The soldiers advanced at a swinging trot.

41. At this, it stopped chasing her, turned around, and trotted home.

42. After you feel comfortable trotting, the next step is Cantering or loping

43. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., is trotting out an old and unconventional idea.

44. 16 Charles trotted out his little bit of scientific nomenclature.

45. 20 Need makes the old wife trot

46. The horse started off at a steady trot.

47. This goofy, affable, golden-retriever of a movie trots along offering modest pleasures and no real surprises.

48. They killed Hair-wolf, Stone-beast and Mud-trot!

49. A small shabby man was trotting beside Bardi trying to get his attention.

50. Trotting poles will also help increase the suppleness and activity of the horse.

51. The trot is a pace of the horse.

52. You'd better trot along and finish your work.

53. Eccentric Fox - Trot in C for Bassoon Quartet.

54. He trotted to the truck and switched on the ignition. Nothing happened.

55. They were going right through the Hacienda at a trot.

56. The pony's gait slowed from a canter to a trot.

57. 29 Kings Stream for good bags of dace and roach on trotted maggot.

58. Cantering falls in between the trot and the gallop

59. Her new job certainly keeps her on the trot.

60. Kings Stream for good bags of dace and roach on trotted maggot.

61. He trotted in sync across the yard as the swarm eased away.

62. The class has been cancelled three weeks on the trot now.

63. I'll just trot round to the shops for some bread.

64. And so, with Toto trotting along soberly behind her, she started on her journey.

65. Ametrometer ablation avaremotemo cigaritos merosomal bullfrog nonspecial Aphidians tom-trot

66. In addition to looking peeved, they also trotted out those sneers of disgust.

67. Was it really necessary to trot out the same old stereotypes about Ireland?

68. You want me to trot off, or should we sing a song?

69. 7 synonyms for Biddy: beldam, crone, hag, witch, trot, hen, chick

70. Ballet Imaginaire sold out three nights on the trot in Lincoln.

71. The girl broke into a trot and disappeared around the corner.

72. Canter and trot in a long, winding course of your own design

73. She trotted out the old cliche that 'a trouble shared is a trouble halved.'

74. So I can happily trot away to join your bunch of quasi-criminal mercenaries?

75. You trot out that argument whenever I try to discuss this matter with you.

76. But the finger stayed down and, to add insult, Sri Lanka's batsmen trotted a cheeky leg bye.

77. You are riding in a palanquin and I am trotting by you on a red horse.

78. Our unique Boho clothes are influenced by our globe-trotting trips and desk-side daydreams alike

79. Often, gaited horses replace the trot with one of the Ambling gaits

80. A quadruped was also demonstrated which could trot, run, pace, and bound.